Angel Candeaux

Psychologist and couples therapist

Your expert for healthy relationships and couples therapy in Berlin

Fulfilling interpersonal relationships are an essential basis for a happy and balanced life.

When there is a crisis, it affects your psyche and therefore your life energy.

Online or in my practice for couples therapy in Berlin-Kreuzberg, we will work together to help you find happiness again.

paartherapie berlin unterschrift

“Basically, it’s always the connections with people that give life its value.”

Wilhelm von Humboldt (1767-1835)

Work areas

How i can help

Online and offline (in my practice in Berlin-Kreuzberg)

Dies ist ein Icon, das die Paartherapie in Berlin symbolisiert

Couples therapy Berlin

Arguments and communication problems can permanently destroy the foundation of your relationship.

Let’s develop a sustainable perspective together.

paartherapie berlin beratung polyamorie offene beziehung

Counseling for polyamory & open relationships

Alternative, non-monogamous relationship models are attracting more and more public attention. Implementing them often pushes couples to their limits.

How should you manage an open relationship? I am happy to accompany you on this journey.

Dieses Icon steht für die Paartherapie Berlin fuer binationale und interkulturelle Paare.

Advice for binational couples

Binational or intercultural couples often face very special challenges.

Overcome your boundaries with intercultural couples therapy.

Dies ist eine Grafik, die Hilfe fuer Kindererziehung symbolisiert.

Help with raising children

A Japanese saying goes: “You won’t know what you owe your parents until you have children of your own.” There are few tasks more demanding than bringing up children.

I will help you to master this task.

Diese Grafik zeigt ein Icon, dass die Therapie von sexuellen Stoerungen in der Paartherapie Berlin zeigt.

Sexual disorders

Listlessness, erectile dysfunction, cheating: psychological problems or relationship difficulties can have a massive impact on quality of life.

We are giving sexuality back the unifying value it deserves.

Dies ist eine Grafik, die fuer das Thema Einsamkeit und soziale Aengste steht.

Loneliness & social anxiety

Loneliness is not an illness, but it does make you ill. Almost one in three people feel lonely at least sometimes. Nevertheless, many sufferers are reluctant to talk about it and thus overcome their loneliness. Together we will find our way back into the community.

Who I am and what drives me

I am Angel Candeaux
This is the portrait photo of Angel Candeaux, who conducts couples therapy in Berlin.I come from Cuba, am a psychologist and have lived in Berlin since 2006. I have been helping people to successfully resolve acute and chronic relationship problems for over 15 years. The main focus of my couples therapy is on how you can change your thinking and behavioral habits to regain your harmony. Your benefit: a healthy, conscious and sustainable lifestyle that leads to a balanced everyday life. Healthy relationships are the key to happiness.

I come from Cuba, am a psychologist and have lived in Berlin since 2006. I have been helping people to successfully resolve acute and chronic relationship problems for over 15 years.

The main focus of my couples therapy is on how you can change your thinking and behavioral habits in order to find harmony again.

Your benefit: a healthy, conscious and sustainable lifestyle that leads to a balanced everyday life. Healthy relationships are the key to happiness.

Dies ist das Portraitfoto von Angel Candeaux, der Paartherapie in Berlin durchfuehrt.

Overcoming boundaries

What we achieve together
Dieses Icon symbolisiert eine erfuellte Beziehung, die durch die Paartherapie in Berlin erreicht werden kann

A fulfilling relationship life

A deep connection in your partnership and with your social environment enriches your life. My couples therapy localizes problems, uncovers causes and resolves conflicts.

Dies ist ein Icon, das die Selbstwirksamkeit symbolisiert, die man durch eine Paartherapie lernen kann.

Self-efficacy in all situations

You will learn easy-to-use and effective techniques to help you overcome your everyday challenges – whether in relationships or other areas of life.

Dies ist ein Icon, dass das starke Selbstbewusstsein zeigt, das man durch Paartherapie gewinnt.

A strong self-confidence

You learn to reflect on your thinking, your experiences and your emotions and to confidently go your own way.

Dies ist ein Icon, das die Ruhe und Ausgeglichenheit zeigt, die man durch eine Paartherapie gewinnt.

Balance and calm

You shed old, self-sabotaging habits, find your emotional balance and master challenges – stress-free and relaxed.

DIes ist ein Icon fuer die Selbsterkenntnis, die man durch eine Paartherapie Berlin gewinnt

Improved self-awareness

You get to know yourself, your needs and wishes and can make clear, independent decisions.

Dies ist ein Icon, das die Energie und Flexibilitaet als Ergebnis einer Paartherapie zeigt.

More energy and flexibility

Achieve change faster, stop unwanted behavior more effectively and develop new habits more easily. Through targeted training in my therapy center in Berlin-Kreuzberg or online, you will gain more energy and flexibility.

Discover yourself

You are ready
for change

What sets me apart from others

Therapy from around the world

Sometimes problems don’t want to be solved – at least that’s how it seems. The reason is often that you have not been given any suitable tools.

Your thoughts and feelings are enormously complex. It is clear that a standard solution is not enough.

That is why I integrate approaches from many cultures from all over the world. They have all developed their own concepts to help people in their environment. Music, conversations, practical exercises: everything can have a therapeutic benefit.

I have explored many different paths in my career, refining and optimizing my approach over time. Based on everything I have learned, I have developed my own psychological method. I call it “desapalencao”(from the Spanish; meaning: “escaping the vicious circle”).

Das Foto zeigt Paartherapeut Angel Candeaux mt einer Konga-Trommel. Mit Techniken aus allen Kulturen schafft er es, seinen Kunden bei der Paartherapie in Berlin zu helfen.

With my approach, I quickly recognize which techniques are most useful for which personality types. In this way, I support you in strengthening your potential for interpersonal and inner relationships and drawing new strength.


How I support you


Success stories

Appointment booking

Secure your appointment now

We can gladly get to know each other in an initial pre consultation. Depending on your preferences, this can take place either in person in Berlin-Kreuzberg or online. I will dedicate 30 minutes to understanding your concerns, whether individually or as a couple. Afterward, you can decide if you’d like to continue working together. I look forward to meeting you!

To book an appointment online, we naturally need your contact details. By using the calendar, you agree to this data being stored and processed.

Further information

Still unsure? Alternatively, you can also